Saturday, April 25, 2009

23-25 April 2009

I'm back in Shah Alam!! I spent the whole morning recovering from my lack of sleep from the past week! OMG I woke up at like.. 1pm... and then I spent the whole afternoon copying all my files from the desktop into my laptop...

I'm so lifeless.. hahahah!

Just a quick update now! On Thursday Kaiye and Uncle Simon picked me up from college so I could join them for dinner that night at Chandeliers to celebrate Kaiyes birthday! There was this whole drama about Wei Ken's notes! Hahahahah!

This Ken went and leave his notes on the table to take his bag from his friend without telling me and elvin.. so happen during the time when he was away taking his bag my ride came.. so Elvin assumed that Ken mistaken went home without his notes... so Elvin took his notes and went to the library cos obviously he's not gonna sit there alone waiting for his mum doing nothing... then right after Elvin left Ken came back and couldnt find his notes... so he thought that I took his notes... and he was like omg now my notes are gone... so he left.. but actually his notes was just next door with Elvin in the library.. and the worst part was he purposely photostat that notes to study for our chemistry test the next day..

So the drama.. LOL

Then then.. on Friday.. Daddy sent me to One Utama after college to meet up with Miccy, Gugu and Rosie... we went to Chillies and chit chat for like 2 hours over sandwiches and nachos... then I went to curve to wait while Mummy finish bowling in Cineleisure... after that we went to the late Aunty Madelines wake.. so kesian she pass away so young..=(.. her daughter was reallyyyy upset...

Oh! I finally transferred Vegas into my computer so now I can finally rotate my videos!!! =D
Here's one I finally uploaded of Bryan playing bowling on Prakash's iPhone... he always has to gaya melampau... so drama queen.. hahaha



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