Saturday, February 21, 2009

Scholarships & Outings

Spent the whole morning filling out scholarships that my mum is making me apply. Quite confused with some of them. They want SPM results but the closing date is before the SPM results come out. How like that?!?!?

So far I'm applying for the Taylors SPM High Achievers Scholarship, Shell Malaysia Scholarship, GAB Foundation Scholarship and TheStar EduFund. Wonder if I can get... I'm not exactly a top-notch student.

Was also discussing with Solomon and Ooi about planning a gathering for all the Moral Students. But it's so hard cos some of us have started class and some of us (eg. ME) are not around all the time, and people like Soh who are working. Bahhh!

Speaking of not being around, me and mum making an impromptu trip to Singapore on Friday!! ^^ We will be going on Friday evening and coming back on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I'm going for Jason Mraz with Dan. Yay! Will be staying with Aunty Joyce and Meng and Li-Ann in Singapore. I heard they live like walking distance from Orchard Road or something....@.@

Oh did anyone see the photo of Rihanna from the LAPD?? The one where she was all beaten up!?

ZOMG Chris Brown the evils... Her face is all battered up. I will not post the picture here cos I don't want to get in trouble. It's like super illegal and alot of people are getting sued for it but you can go check whether it's still on . Faster go and see before it gets taken off!!

I need to make a trip to school one of these days. Gugu come with me we go bug all the teachers for out certificates. WHERE IS MY OLYMPIAD CERTIFICATE!!!!! @*&$%#@!!!


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